
Developers To Fit Your Company’s Needs:
ScreamingBox provides complete Development teams for any project, and we also provide custom-created team extension services; that will allow you to accomplish your project on time, within budget, and without any headaches.
Forget about hiring a full-time employee, which comes with additional work, red tape, and is a long drawn out process, because we have developers who are perfect for your project.
Whether you have an influx of work, a new feature set, or simply need one or more developers on little to no notice, ScreamingBox has you covered.
The key to our success is our people. After 10 years, we have gotten really good at finding and selecting the most experienced and talented developers. We do this with our unique Developer Selection Process.

Developer Selection Process - Building an Expert Team
Our developers are the cream of the crop, number one, and world class, all rolled into one. At ScreamingBox we go through an extensive hiring and training process that includes:
- HR Check - Our HR team reviews the developer’s portfolio, resume, and has an initial conversation about his/her background, communication skills, and future plans as a potential ScreamingBox developer.
- Communication Testing - Communication and cognitive tests enable us to determine the optimum development process structure and the type of teammates and client pairings that will allow everyone to achieve their full potential.
- Technical Assessment - This step is handled by our Tech Leads or our CTO and ensures that the potential team member’s code writing, technical skills, and problem solving ability are the highest expert level.
- Trial Project - After passing our testing and verification processes, the potential team member is given a trial project to complete with other developers and a Project Manager. This is done in order to verify that in a real world work situation, the potential team member can achieve the expert level required by ScreamingBox.
Once a person becomes a ScreamingBox team member, they are given additional training to become team extension specialists. This training involves learning how to quickly integrate with in-house teams, collaborate on problem solving with clients and working with the various project tracking systems that most Clients use.
As a result of this extensive selection and training process, we are able to provide our clients with the best web and mobile team extension services available on the market.

There is a difference between planning and developing and ScreamingBox is here for every step of the way. ScreamingBox provides an efficient and reliable software development service that includes a smooth, hassle-free process throughout all steps of the project. Our proven Development Process is unique to ScreamingBox and substantially reduces the possibility of issues arising later in the project.
- Discovery Phase - During the discovery phase we learn about you, your business, and what your goals are for your mobile or web product. You will work closely with our business analysts and UX design experts to ensure your vision is fully understood. We will implement carefully planned meetings, workshops, and employ other research tools that will allow us to fully grasp everything you want and envision for the product. By the end of the discovery phase, we know exactly what you want and how we will deliver a successful product.
- Kickoff and Project HQ - Following an informative Discovery Phase we will produce an impressive and all-encompassing document, called The Project HQ. This document contains every detail about how exactly the project will flow and operate. If you have any questions, want to know the project timeline, or to simply want to double check that everyone is on the same page and the project is operating smoothly, everything can be found in one, easy to access location - The Project HQ. This allows for clarity and open communication.
- Regular Releases - There’s nothing more difficult than waiting, especially on something you have envisioned for quite some time. We know the feeling! At the end of each sprint you will receive a testable version of your project. This stage ranges from a clickable prototype to a production-ready application. In order to deliver exactly what you envisioned, we offer full transparency and work with you during each stage of the process, collecting your feedback, suggestions, and requests in real time.
- Gathering Feedback - What your users think and how they interact with the finished product is paramount. We utilize user feedback and analytics to implement improvements. We create a product roadmap from your minimum viable product to a fully featured enterprise product that your users will enjoy.

Ongoing Maintenance
ScreamingBox is here for you from the beginning stages of your product when you simply had an idea all the way to the end when you have a fully functioning enterprise product that is delighting your customers. But what do you do now that you have a finished product but it needs updates or new features implemented?
ScreamingBox provides ongoing support and maintenance of your product, ensuring your business doesn’t experience delays due to needed and necessary improvements. Ongoing maintenance is essential for any mobile and web-based product and we can help so you don’t get left behind your competition.
If your agency needs world class talent to fill the work load peaks – if you don’t want to make the commitment of adding a full-time employee – if
you are running behind schedule and need more developers on short notice – if you need expertise that is not currently in-house – ScreamingBox can provide the team extension that will allow you to accomplish your client project on time and within budget.
ScreamingBox's digital product experts are ready to help you grow. What are you building now?
ScreamingBox provides quick turn-around and turnkey digital product development by leveraging the power of remote developers, designers, and strategists. We are able to deliver the scalability and flexibility of a digital agency while maintaining the competitive cost, friendliness and accountability of a freelancer. Efficient Pricing, High Quality and Senior Level Experience is the ScreamingBox result. Let's discuss how we can help with your development needs, please fill out the form below and we will contact you to set-up a call.